CBDC South Coast


SELF EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE (SEA): Eligible individuals with eligible business opportunities or business concepts may receive assistance from the SEA program.  The program assists eligible unemployed individuals with the assessment, planning, and (if approved) the starting of a new business or takeover of an existing business.  During a period up to the the first year of planning and starting a business, approved applicants will continue to receive Employment insurance Benefits while establishing and operating the business.  Guidance and business counseling is  provided in both startup and operation.

ENTREPRENEURIAL TRAINING FUND (ETF):  Business owners can receive a training grant for entrepreneurial training related to the operation of their business (financial, management, marketing, etc.).  Qualifying applicants and clients approved for eligible training costs have to contribute a minimum of 10% of the training costs.  Access to funds are based on availability and approval.

Entrepreneurs, businesses, and not-for-profit organizations may be eligible for technical and financial assistance in areas including diagnostic assessment, market readiness, export potential, specific studies, etc.  Select your own qualifying consultant and CAS may cover up to 75% of the consultant costs up to the applicable funding limit per project. 
Access to funds are based on availability and approval.

Financial support is provided to the CBDC South Coast by ACOA.
ACOA       Canada